Package 'bandsfdp'

Title: Compute Upper Prediction Bounds on the FDP in Competition-Based Setups
Description: Implements functions that calculate upper prediction bounds on the false discovery proportion (FDP) in the list of discoveries returned by competition-based setups, implementing Ebadi et al. (2022) <arXiv:2302.11837>. Such setups include target-decoy competition (TDC) in computational mass spectrometry and the knockoff construction in linear regression (note this package typically uses the terminology of TDC). Included is the standardized (TDC-SB) and uniform (TDC-UB) bound on TDC's FDP, and the simultaneous standardized and uniform bands. Requires pre-computed Monte Carlo statistics available at <>. This data can be downloaded by running the command 'devtools::install_github("uni-Arya/fdpbandsdata")' in R and restarting R after installation. The size of this data is roughly 81Mb.
Authors: Arya Ebadi [aut, cre], Dong Luo [aut], Jack Freestone [aut], William Stafford Noble [aut], Uri Keich [aut]
Maintainer: Arya Ebadi <[email protected]>
License: MIT + file LICENSE
Version: 1.1.0
Built: 2025-03-09 04:55:56 UTC

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Generalized band


This function computes an upper prediction bound on the FDP among target wins in any set RR of hypotheses of TDC. See details for more information.


  d_max = NULL,
  max_fdp = 0.5,
  c = 0.5,
  lambda = 0.5

  d_max = NULL,
  max_fdp = 0.5,
  c = 0.5,
  lambda = 0.5



A vector of (ordered) labels. See details below.


A vector specifying the indices of hypotheses for which an upper prediction bound on the FDP is computed.


The confidence parameter of the band. Typical values include gamma = 0.05 or gamma = 0.01.


A character string specifying which band to use. Must be one of "stband" or "uniband".


An optional positive integer specifying the maximum number of decoy wins considered in calculating the bands.


A number specifying the maximum FDP considered by the user in calculating the bands. Used to compute d_max if d_max is set to NULL.


Determines the ranks of the target score that are considered winning. Defaults to c = 0.5 for (single-decoy) TDC.


Determines the ranks of the target score that are considered losing. Defaults to lambda = 0.5 for (single-decoy) TDC.


In (single-decoy) TDC, each hypothesis is associated to a winning score and a label (1 for a target win, -1 for a decoy win). This function assumes that the hypotheses are ordered in decreasing order of winning scores (with ties broken at random). The argument labels, therefore, must be ordered according to this rule.

This function also supports the extension of TDC that uses multiple decoys. In that setup, the target score is competed with multiple decoy scores and the rank of the target score after competition is used to determine whether the hypothesis is a target win (label = 1), decoy win (-1) or uncounted (0). The top c proportion of ranks are considered winning, the bottom 1-lambda losing, and all the rest uncounted.

The threshold of TDC is given by the formula (assuming hypotheses are ordered):

max{k:Dk+1Tk1c1λα}\max\{k : \frac{D_k + 1}{T_k \vee 1} \cdot \frac{c}{1-\lambda} \leq \alpha\}

where TkT_k is the number of target wins among the top kk hypotheses, and DkD_k is the number of decoy wins similarly.

The argument gamma sets a confidence level of 1-gamma. Both the uniform and standardized bands require pre-computed Monte Carlo statistics, so only certain values of gamma are available to use. Commonly used confidence levels, like 0.95 and 0.99, are available. We refer the reader to the README of this package for more details.

The argument d_max controls the rate at which the returned bounds increase: a larger d_max results in a more conservative bound. If, however, Dk+1D_k + 1 exceeds d_max for some index kk, each target win thereafter is considered a false discovery when computing the bound. Thus it is important that d_max, chosen a priori, is large enough. Given it is sufficiently large, the precise value of d_max does not have a significant effect on the resulting bounds (see for more details).

We recommend setting d_max = NULL so that it is computed automatically using max_fdp. This argument ensures that Dk+1D_k + 1 never exceeds d_max when the (non-interpolated) FDP bound on the top kk hypotheses is less than max_fdp.


An upper prediction bound on the FDP among target wins in the set of hypotheses whose indices are given as input.


Ebadi et al. (2022), Bounding the FDP in competition-based control of the FDR


if (requireNamespace("fdpbandsdata", quietly = TRUE)) {
  labels <- c(
    rep(1, 250),
    sample(c(1, -1), size = 250, replace = TRUE, prob = c(0.9, 0.1)),
    sample(c(1, -1), size = 250, replace = TRUE, prob = c(0.5, 0.5)),
    sample(c(1, -1), size = 250, replace = TRUE, prob = c(0.1, 0.9))
  indices <- c(1:100, 300:400, 600:650)
  gamma <- 0.05
  gen_bound(labels, indices, gamma, "stband")

Simultaneous Band


This function computes upper prediction bounds on the target wins among the top kk hypotheses of TDC, for each k=1,,nk = 1,\ldots,n where nn is the total number of hypotheses.


  d_max = NULL,
  max_fdp = 0.5,
  c = 0.5,
  lambda = 0.5

  d_max = NULL,
  max_fdp = 0.5,
  c = 0.5,
  lambda = 0.5



A vector of (ordered) labels. See details below.


The confidence parameter of the band. Typical values include gamma = 0.05 or gamma = 0.01.


A character string specifying which band to use. Must be one of "stband" or "uniband".


An optional positive integer specifying the maximum number of decoy wins considered in calculating the bands.


A number specifying the maximum FDP considered by the user in calculating the bands. Used to compute d_max if d_max is set to NULL.


Determines the ranks of the target score that are considered winning. Defaults to c = 0.5 for (single-decoy) TDC.


Determines the ranks of the target score that are considered losing. Defaults to lambda = 0.5 for (single-decoy) TDC.


In (single-decoy) TDC, each hypothesis is associated to a winning score and a label (1 for a target win, -1 for a decoy win). This function assumes that the hypotheses are ordered in decreasing order of winning scores (with ties broken at random). The argument labels, therefore, must be ordered according to this rule.

This function also supports the extension of TDC that uses multiple decoys. In that setup, the target score is competed with multiple decoy scores and the rank of the target score after competition is used to determine whether the hypothesis is a target win (label = 1), decoy win (-1) or uncounted (0). The top c proportion of ranks are considered winning, the bottom 1-lambda losing, and all the rest uncounted.

The threshold of TDC is given by the formula (assuming hypotheses are ordered):

max{k:Dk+1Tk1c1λα}\max\{k : \frac{D_k + 1}{T_k \vee 1} \cdot \frac{c}{1-\lambda} \leq \alpha\}

where TkT_k is the number of target wins among the top kk hypotheses, and DkD_k is the number of decoy wins similarly.

The argument gamma sets a confidence level of 1-gamma. Both the uniform and standardized bands require pre-computed Monte Carlo statistics, so only certain values of gamma are available to use. Commonly used confidence levels, like 0.95 and 0.99, are available. We refer the reader to the README of this package for more details.

The argument d_max controls the rate at which the returned bounds increase: a larger d_max results in a more conservative bound. If, however, Dk+1D_k + 1 exceeds d_max for some index kk, each target win thereafter is considered a false discovery when computing the bound. Thus it is important that d_max, chosen a priori, is large enough. Given it is sufficiently large, the precise value of d_max does not have a significant effect on the resulting bounds (see for more details).

We recommend setting d_max = NULL so that it is computed automatically using max_fdp. This argument ensures that Dk+1D_k + 1 never exceeds d_max when the (non-interpolated) FDP bound on the top kk hypotheses is less than max_fdp.


A vector of upper prediction bounds on the FDP of target wins among the top kk hypotheses for each k=1,,nk = 1,\ldots,n where nn is the total number of hypotheses.


Ebadi et al. (2022), Bounding the FDP in competition-based control of the FDR


if (requireNamespace("fdpbandsdata", quietly = TRUE)) {
  labels <- c(
    rep(1, 250),
    sample(c(1, -1), size = 250, replace = TRUE, prob = c(0.9, 0.1)),
    sample(c(1, -1), size = 250, replace = TRUE, prob = c(0.5, 0.5)),
    sample(c(1, -1), size = 250, replace = TRUE, prob = c(0.1, 0.9))
  gamma <- 0.05
  head(sim_bound(labels, gamma, "stband"))

Standardized Band


This function computes an upper prediction bound, derived from the standardized band, on the FDP in TDC's list of discoveries.


  c = 0.5,
  lambda = 0.5,
  n = length(labels),
  interpolate = TRUE

  c = 0.5,
  lambda = 0.5,
  n = length(labels),
  interpolate = TRUE



The rejection threshold of TDC. If given as a vector, an upper prediction bound is returned for each element.


A vector of (ordered) labels. See details below.


The FDR threshold.


The confidence parameter of the bound. Typical values include gamma = 0.05 or gamma = 0.01.


Determines the ranks of the target score that are considered winning. Defaults to c = 0.5 for (single-decoy) TDC.


Determines the ranks of the target score that are considered losing. Defaults to lambda = 0.5 for (single-decoy) TDC.


The number of hypotheses. Defaults to the length of labels.


A boolean indicating whether the bands should be interpolated. Offers a slight boost in performance at the cost of computing power. Defaults to TRUE.


In (single-decoy) TDC, each hypothesis is associated to a winning score and a label (1 for a target win, -1 for a decoy win). This function assumes that the hypotheses are ordered in decreasing order of winning scores (with ties broken at random). The argument labels, therefore, must be ordered according to this rule.

This function also supports the extension of TDC that uses multiple decoys. In that setup, the target score is competed with multiple decoy scores and the rank of the target score after competition is used to determine whether the hypothesis is a target win (label = 1), decoy win (-1) or uncounted (0). The top c proportion of ranks are considered winning, the bottom 1-lambda losing, and all the rest uncounted.

The threshold of TDC is given by the formula:

max{k:Dk+1Tk1c1λα}\max\{k : \frac{D_k + 1}{T_k \vee 1} \cdot \frac{c}{1-\lambda} \leq \alpha\}

where TkT_k is the number of target wins among the top kk hypotheses, and DkD_k is the number of decoy wins similarly.

The argument gamma sets a confidence level of 1-gamma. Since the standardized band requires pre-computed Monte Carlo quantiles, only certain values of gamma are available to use. Commonly used confidence levels, like 0.95 and 0.99, are available. We refer the reader to the README of this package for more details.

The argument alpha, used to compute the threshold of TDC, is also used in this function. It serves to compute an appropriate d_max for a non-trivial bound. In particular, if the user inputs a vector of thresholds, a bound is returned for each element of thresholds using the same d_max. For more details, see:

We recommend the use of interpolate = TRUE (default), as it generally results in a tighter bound. This comes at the cost of performance: the bound for each threshold is computed in O(n) time with interpolation and O(1) without.


An upper prediction bound on the FDP in TDC's list of discoveries. If thresholds is a vector, returns an upper prediction bound for each element of thresholds.


Ebadi et al. (2022), Bounding the FDP in competition-based control of the FDR


if (requireNamespace("fdpbandsdata", quietly = TRUE)) {
  thresholds <- c(250, 500, 750, 1000)
  labels <- c(
    rep(1, 250),
    sample(c(1, -1), size = 250, replace = TRUE, prob = c(0.9, 0.1)),
    sample(c(1, -1), size = 250, replace = TRUE, prob = c(0.5, 0.5)),
    sample(c(1, -1), size = 250, replace = TRUE, prob = c(0.1, 0.9))
  alpha <- 0.05
  gamma <- 0.05
  tdc_sb(thresholds, labels, alpha, gamma)

Uniform Band


This function computes an upper prediction bound, derived from the uniform band, on the FDP in TDC's list of discoveries.


  c = 0.5,
  lambda = 0.5,
  n = length(labels),
  interpolate = TRUE

  c = 0.5,
  lambda = 0.5,
  n = length(labels),
  interpolate = TRUE



The rejection threshold of TDC. If given as a vector, an upper prediction bound is returned for each element.


A vector of (ordered) labels. See details below.


The FDR threshold.


The confidence parameter of the bound. Typical values include gamma = 0.05 or gamma = 0.01.


Determines the ranks of the target score that are considered winning. Defaults to c = 0.5 for (single-decoy) TDC.


Determines the ranks of the target score that are considered losing. Defaults to lambda = 0.5 for (single-decoy) TDC.


The number of hypotheses. Defaults to the length of labels.


A boolean indicating whether the bands should be interpolated. Offers a slight boost in performance at the cost of computing power. Defaults to TRUE.


In (single-decoy) TDC, each hypothesis is associated to a winning score and a label (1 for a target win, -1 for a decoy win). This function assumes that the hypotheses are ordered in decreasing order of winning scores (with ties broken at random). The argument labels, therefore, must be ordered according to this rule.

This function also supports the extension of TDC that uses multiple decoys. In that setup, the target score is competed with multiple decoy scores and the rank of the target score after competition is used to determine whether the hypothesis is a target win (label = 1), decoy win (-1) or uncounted (0). The top c proportion of ranks are considered winning, the bottom 1-lambda losing, and all the rest uncounted.

The threshold of TDC is given by the formula:

max{k:Dk+1Tk1c1λα}\max\{k : \frac{D_k + 1}{T_k \vee 1} \cdot \frac{c}{1-\lambda} \leq \alpha\}

where TkT_k is the number of target wins among the top kk hypotheses, and DkD_k is the number of decoy wins similarly.

The argument gamma sets a confidence level of 1-gamma. Since the uniform band requires pre-computed Monte Carlo statistics, only certain values of gamma are available to use. Commonly used confidence levels, like 0.95 and 0.99, are available. We refer the reader to the README of this package for more details.

The argument alpha, used to compute the threshold of TDC, is also used in this function. It serves to compute an appropriate d_max for a non-trivial bound. In particular, if the user inputs a vector of thresholds, a bound is returned for each element of thresholds using the same d_max. For more details, see:

We recommend the use of interpolate = TRUE (default), as it generally results in a tighter bound. This comes at the cost of performance: the bound for each threshold is computed in O(n) time with interpolation and O(1) without.


An upper prediction bound on the FDP in TDC's list of discoveries. If thresholds is a vector, returns an upper prediction bound for each element of thresholds.


Ebadi et al. (2022), Bounding the FDP in competition-based control of the FDR


if (requireNamespace("fdpbandsdata", quietly = TRUE)) {
  thresholds <- c(250, 500, 750, 1000)
  labels <- c(
    rep(1, 250),
    sample(c(1, -1), size = 250, replace = TRUE, prob = c(0.9, 0.1)),
    sample(c(1, -1), size = 250, replace = TRUE, prob = c(0.5, 0.5)),
    sample(c(1, -1), size = 250, replace = TRUE, prob = c(0.1, 0.9))
  alpha <- 0.05
  gamma <- 0.05
  tdc_ub(thresholds, labels, alpha, gamma)